PPPoE settings for own router (Service Name etc.)

Hello friends!

First time posting here. I apologize for having to use English -- my German is not that good (yet!). I hope you can help me regardless 🙂

I have a ZTE ZXHN H268N router, which was provided by A1 and is connected to an ONT socket on the wall. I want to replace that router with my own router.

I set my username & password as this page suggests, but both my routers (a Netgear & a Mikrotik) fail to connect.

There is one more option called "Service Name". It is optional, but important for a PPPoE connection to work. Does anyone know if "Service Name" should be left blank or if it has a specific value for A1?

And other than that, do you have any other suggestions to try?

Thank you very much! 🙂

5 Antworten

Thanks Nerdtech, it is now fixed!

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +8

Hello @JacoDar

and welcome to the A1 Community.

For FTTH and VDSL (incl. Vectoring, VPlus, and G.Fast) you need to set the VLAN of the Internet Connection to “2”. This is because the router needs to know which virtual connection he needs to use for internet services from A1 (it’s different for other DSL operators).


You should be able to do this in the quick setup → Internet Connection Type → Additional ISP settings → ISP Profile “Custom”. Set the value for “Internet VLAN ID” to “2”. For Details see the TP-Link support article [Method 1 → Step 3 → 2)].

regards NerdTech

Hello all!

I am new to the forum and my German is not so good.

The post is 1y old but very actual to me as I would like to move from A1 modem H268N to another one (tp-link archer C6). I am almost there. PPPoE username and password inserted but the router does not connect to internet. Perhaps it is something to do with VLAN-ID but not sure what setting is that.

Can someone explain the meaning of text above “FTTH you need to change the VLAN-ID of the Routers Wan Port to "2". “?

This is very unclear to me!





Thanks for the quick response @NerdTech !

The ONT is fine and powered already.
I didn't know about the VLAN-ID. That could be the problem! I'll look into it. Thank you!

EDIT: I confirm that it works now! I just had to set VLAN-ID on my Netgear. Thank you so much! 😀
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +8
Hello @nstam
An ONT is typically powered by the Modem over the ethernet connection (PoE). If you don't already have a power supply for the ONT, you can get one shipped from A1. Furthermore, for A1s' FTTH you need to change the VLAN-ID of the Routers Wan Port to "2". But I'm not sure whether the NetGear supports this. Otherwise, the Username and Password should be alright.
