A1 is blocking traffic

see the following results:

[edit A1_Esther: Website wurde aufgrund von Click-Baiting entfernt] (, 64 hops max
1 7,689ms 2,004ms 1,185ms
2 8,870ms 8,752ms 8,378ms
3 8,561ms !H 8,391ms !H 25,403ms !H

What is happening here?

11 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +8
Aye, not sorry at all... cause im more the "better safe than sorry" type.

Yet i might have not taken enough time to examine the webservice, but the hints were there...

Posting some unknown link to a weird sounding domain...
davmail as hostname might or might not suggest the use of the host...
posting in a foreign language...
posting some unrelated tracert...
assuming some obscure firewall blocking traffic...*

and my false assumption that someone hosting a Mailservice doesnt fall over DNS propagation..

so funny, how one false assumption led us to so many others =)

*which, of course are plastered all over server hosting and housing sites at A1, but not blocking stuff in such way, ...

totally Offtopic > looking at what DavMail does in order to eleminate the need of Outlook, you could really make some money of it ^^

Microsofts Activation procedure tied so tight to a Microsoft Account is just ridicolous...
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7
Sorry for my false assumption.
I don't know how to clese the topic. May you can really put click bait to close it ; )
@w1-net @ haha, yes you will die to see what davmail does. It's a "clickbaiting mail gateway". I earn a lot of money with it.

Thank you for all the info, and also the cynicism. It is a DNS problem. Records fail to propagate. still trying to solve the issue.
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7
Dann mal eine konkrete Warnung für Leute ohne Internetkenntnisse: NICHT versuchen, obige Adresse über http der https aufzurufen!
Die Pings erzeugen ja noch keine klicks...
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +8
Da könntest du richtig liegen
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +8
see the following results:

[edit A1_Esther: Website wurde aufgrund von Click-Baiting entfernt] (, 64 hops max
1 7,689ms 2,004ms 1,185ms
2 8,870ms 8,752ms 8,378ms
3 8,561ms !H 8,391ms !H 25,403ms !H

What is happening here?

Considering I can reach the hosted site there without Problem, i guess click-baiting is what´s happening here...
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7
Dass im Bild auf der Serviceseite ping.eu meine IP-Adresse aufscheint, ist für mich KEIN Sicherheitsrisiko.
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +8
The IP ( is from the A1 Network.
The A1 Wlan Box is blocking Ping from outside.

[edit A1_Esther: Website wurde aufgrund von Click-Baiting entfernt]

Routenverfolgung zu davmail.juan-carlos.info []
über maximal 30 Hops:

1 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
2 27 ms 10 ms 11 ms 178-191-255-254.adsl.highway.telekom.at []
3 10 ms 19 ms 10 ms 194-96-135-254.adsl.highway.telekom.at []
4 194-96-129-123.adsl.highway.telekom.at [] meldet: Zielprotokoll nicht erreichbar.

Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Benutzerebene 5
Abzeichen +2
Hola! Weird Traceroute: maybe IP ( changed?
