
" EU S" country validity

Can someone please clarify that this package cannot be used between another EU country and the UK. This is my understanding i.e. if I am in France I can call France and Austria but not the UK. I cannot find a list of countries for this package in English.
Also I cannot install the 'Mein A1' app on Android 5. In Google Play it says "App may not be available... in your country". Nevertheless I installed it on a phone with Android 6 even when it said "App may not be available... in your country". Is there a workaround to this problem? I am outside the EU at the moment.

Beste Antwort von jre75 8 April 2018, 15:22

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5 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +8
Hello @jre75
Well, it's not quite easy with EU-Roaming.
With the EU S, you can call within Austria using the included 1000 minutes. If you are in an EU-Roaming country you can also call within this EU-Roaming county and to any other EU-Roaming country using the 1000 minutes. But if you are in Austria you use the special 100 minutes to call to other EU-Roaming countries. For data, you can use all sex gigabytes in Austria and all other EU-Roaming countries.

Here is a list of all EU-Roaming (Zone 1) countries (source in German):
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France (including Corsica, excl. French Polynesia), French Guiana, Greece, United Kingdom, Guadeloupe, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Martinique, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal (incl. Azores), Madeira, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (incl. Balearic Islands), Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, St. Barthelemy, St. Martin, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Cyprus.

You can also use the EU S tariff in the Zone 2, 3 and 4 countries but you all be charged extra based on what you use.
Here are all other roaming countries (source in German):
Zone 2:
Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Isle of Man, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, and Belarus.
Zone 3:
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, US Virgin Islands, and USA (incl. Alaska & Hawaii).
Zone 4:
Afghanistan, Egypt, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bermuda, Bonaire, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Yemen, Jordan, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Cuba, Kuwait, Maldives, Morocco, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines Russia, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Ships, Ferries, Aircraft, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Saint Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Vincent & Grenadines, South Africa, South Korea, Suriname, Syria , Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turks & Caicos, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.

Here you can find a price table for talk, text, and web usage with you EU S tariff in Zone 1 to 4 as well as more information about roaming (German). And I know that this site says it's for 5 & 40. But since roaming is out of tariff usage and all usage after you used your included units will be changed after 40, the site is also valid for the other roaming enabled tariffs.
And yea the availability of all A1 Apps is region locked. But I don't know if it's based on your actual location or the country of our Google Account (for Android) or your iCloud Account (for iOS). I haven't actually tried it but I found this guide (in English) on how the change the country for google play and it could be useful. But on Android, you can also download and install the .akp of the App at least which is what you did I presume.

I hope this helps you a bit.
best regards,
Benutzerebene 5
Abzeichen +7
Hello @nik. 😉 Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, our A1 community is not the right channel to answer your question. In our A1 community, the “customer helps customer” idea is in the foreground. However, your request relates to your personal customer data and cannot be answered here for data protection reasons. Please contact the Service Team at or by phone on +43 50 664 8 664 295. Thank you very much for your understanding! KR, Babsi
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +8
Can someone please clarify that this package cannot be used between another EU country and the UK. This is my understanding i.e. if I am in France I can call France and Austria but not the UK. I cannot find a list of countries for this package in English.
Also I cannot install the 'Mein A1' app on Android 5. In Google Play it says "App may not be available... in your country". Nevertheless I installed it on a phone with Android 6 even when it said "App may not be available... in your country". Is there a workaround to this problem? I am outside the EU at the moment.
Mayby VPN to Austria. (It may takes some time)
Unfortunately most VPNs are currently blocked where I am currently staying at the moment... Even when I installed the app on Android 6 certain pages relating to the tariff, "Tarifinformationen" comes up in under 1 second and then blocks. I cannot find the country validity of this package in either English or German.
Thank you so much for your answer. This is in fact much clearer now. I can see that the United Kingdom is included in Zone 1, so I must have been initially misinformed about this.

As for the A1 app. I will look into your ideas. 😀

I am not getting network in my B Free Sim when i travelled to India this time. can any one suggest what can be the issue?
